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Terms for subject Environment (5386 entries)
Europska komisija European Commission
europska norma European standard
Europska skupina na visokoj razini za nuklearnu sigurnost i upravljanje otpadom European High Level Group on Nuclear Safety and Waste Management
Europska skupina na visokoj razini za nuklearnu sigurnost i upravljanje otpadom European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group
Europska unija European Union (The 15 nations (Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, the UK, Austria, Finland and Sweden) that have joined together to form an economic community with common monetary, political and social aspirations. The EU came into being on 1 November 1993 according to the terms of the Maastricht Treaty; it comprises the three European Communities, extended by the adoption of a common foreign and security policy which requires cooperation between member states in foreign policy and security and cooperation in justice and home affairs)
Europska zajednica za atomsku energiju Euratom
Europske zajednice European Communities
Europski monetarni fond European Monetary Fund
Europski parlament European Parliament
europski rezervat prirode European nature reserve (No definition needed)
Europski sud Court of Justice of the European Communities
Europski sud European Court of Justice
Europsko vijeće za okoliš European Environmental Council
eutrofikacija eutrophication
evaluacija evaluation (No definition needed)
evaluacija tehnologije evaluation of technology (No definition needed)
evaluacijska metoda evaluation method (No definition needed)
evaporacija evaporation
evapotranspiracija evapotranspiration
evidentiranje tvari recording of substances (No definition needed)