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Terms for subject Austrian (usage) (193 entries)
Sektor - Medunarodni odnosi Executive Group for International Relations
Servisna služba bečkih dječijih vrtića service centres of Municipal Department 10 - Vienna Children’s Day Care Centres
skraćeno radno vrijeme part-time work
služba public authority
Služba za građane Community Services
Služba za poboljšanje medususjedskih odnosa neighbourhood service
Služba za tisak i informacije Municipal Department 53 Press and Information Services
službenica civil servant
službenik civil servant
smanjenje stanarine [kirije] rent reduction
smjenski rad shift work
socijalna pomoć welfare benefit
Sporazum o slobodi kretanja osoba i radnika između EU i Švicarske agreement between Switzerland and the EU on the free movement of persons
spremnost za rad willingness to work
središnje radničko vijeće central works council
stambeni blok apartment building
stambeni kompleks apartment building
stanar zgrade u općinskom vlasništvu resident of a municipal housing estate
stanarina rent
stanogradnja [stambena] zgrada housing construction