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Terms for subject Environment (5382 entries)
bentos benthic division
bentos benthos
bentos benthic ecosystem
benzen benzene
benzin petrol
benzinska crpka filling station
benzinski motor gasoline engine
benzopiren benzopyrene
berilij beryllium
bescvjetnice cryptogam (A large group of plants, comprising the Thallophyta, Bryophyta and Pteridophyta, the last of which are cryptogams)
beskralježnjak invertebrate
bespravno naseljavanje squatter settlement (Settlement on land or property to which there is no legal title)
beta zračenje beta radiation
beton concrete
bezalkoholno piće beverage
bezolovni benzin unleaded petrol
bibliografija bibliography
bicikl bicycle
bilanca balance (An equality between the sums total of the two sides of an account, or the excess on either side; economic)
bilanca otpada waste balance