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Terms for subject Environment (6716 entries)
mappa tal-irradjanza solari solar energy map
mappa tal-irradjanza solari solar irradiance map
mappa tal-irradjanza solari solar map
mara woman (An adult human female)
mard disease (A definite pathological process having a characteristic set of signs and symptoms which are detrimental to the well-being of the individual)
mard ikkawżat mit-tip ta' xogħol occupational disease (A functional or organic disease caused by factors arising from the operations or materials of an individual's industry, trade, or occupation)
mard immunoloġiku immunological disease (The disruption of the complex system of interacting cells, cell products and cell-forming tissues that protects the body from pathogens, destroys infected and malignant cells and removes cellular debris)
mard infettiv infectious disease (Pathogenic condition resulting from invasion of an host by a pathogen that propagates causing infection)
mard kardjovaskulari cardiovascular disease
mard mir-radjazzjoni radiation sickness (The complex of symptoms characterizing the disease known as radiation injury, resulting from excessive exposure of the whole body (or large part) to ionizing radiation. The earliest of these symptoms are nausea, fatigue, vomiting, and diarrhea, which may be followed by loss of hair (epilation), hemorrhage, inflammation of the mouth and throat, and general loss of energy)
mard psikosomatiku psychosomatic illness (Illness arising from or aggravated by a mind-body relationship)
mard pulmonarju pulmonary disease (Any disease pertaining to the lungs)
mard relatat mal-ambjent environmentally related disease
mard respiratorju respiratory disease
mard tal-annimali animal disease
mard tal-bniedem human disease (An interruption, cessation or disorder of human bodily functions, systems or organs resulting from genetic or developmental errors, infection, nutritional deficiency, toxicity, illness or unfavorable environmental factors)
marda kardjovaskulari cardiovascular disease
marda tal-pjanti plant disease
marea tide (The periodic rise and fall of the water resulting from gravitational interaction between the sun, moon and earth. In each lunar day of 24 hours and 49 minutes there are two high tides and two low tides)
marea għolja high tide water (The level of water when the tide is at its highest level)