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Terms for subject Finances (4641 entries)
xenarju ta' stress idjosinkratiku idiosyncratic stress scenario
xerrej ta' protezzjoni protection buyer
xiri dirett ta' forwards outright forward purchase
xiri sfurzat buy-in
xiri sfurzat buying-in
xiri ta' opzjoni eżerċitata buy a call
xiri u żamma buy and hold
xkatta trigger
xkattatur ta' stralċ wind down trigger
xogħol doppju duplication of work
żamma ta' rekords record keeping
żamma tal-kotba b'kontroentrati double entry accounting
żamma tal-kotba b'kontroentrati double entry book-keeping
ZAR South African rand
ZAR rand
żbilanċ baġitarju budgetary deficit
żbilanċ primarju primary deficit
żbilanċ pubbliku government deficit
żbilanċi tal-baġit budgetary imbalance
żborż disbursement