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Terms for subject Banking (209 entries)
sistema ta' saldu tat-titoli permezz ta' interfaċċa interfaced securities settlement system
skeda tal-flussi tal-flus cash flow schedule
skema ta' garanzija tad-depożiti kuntrattwali contractual Deposit Guarantee Scheme
skema ta' garanzija tad-depożiti statutorja statutory deposit guarantee scheme
skema ta' kumpens tat-TARGET2 TARGET2 compensation scheme
skoperfura ta' ekwità nnegozjata f'kambju exchange-traded equity exposures
skoperti ggarantiti b'ipoteki fuq proprjetà residenzjali exposures secured by mortgages on residential property
skopertura għall-individwi exposures to individuals
skopertura sottostanti underlying exposure
skoperturi fil-forma ta' impriża ta' investiment kollettiv exposures in the form of collective investment undertakings
skoperturi ggarantiti totalment u kompletament b'ishma exposures fully and completely secured by shares
skoperturi għal entitajiet tas-settur pubbliku exposures to public sector entities
skoperturi għal gvernijiet ċentrali exposures to central government
skoperturi għal korpi amministrattivi u impriżi mhux kummerċjali exposures to administrative bodies and non-commercial undertakings
sorveljanza oversight
speċifikazzjonijiet funzjonali dettaljati għall-utent user detailed functional specifications
status ta' kreditur preferut preferred creditor status
status tal-iskopertura exposure status
strateġija tan-negozjar trading strategy
strument kapitali regolatorju regulatory capital instrument