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Terms for subject Microsoft (3294 entries)
Ħejji Prepare
hemeż attach
hemża attachment
Hemża Attachment
ħħoverja hover
ħieles free
Highlight bid-Disinni Pattern Highlight
ħin il-paġna page time
ħin liberu/okkupat free/busy time
ħin permess time allowance
ħinijiet mhux permessi curfew
ħinijiet tax-xogħol working hours
ħitan u art 3-D 3-D walls and floor
Ħjiel ScreenTip
Ħjiel avvanzat Enhanced ScreenTip
Ħjiel Dwar it-Traduzzjoni Translation ScreenTip
ħjiel tal-kontroll control tip
ħjiel tal-kummenti comment hint
ħjiel tat-tibdiliet change hint
Ħlas mal-konsenja Collect On Delivery (A method of payment by which a customer pays the freight carrier for goods when they are delivered. The freight carrier then remits the payment to the shipper)