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Terms for subject Environment (6407 entries)
hazkunde demografiko population growth (An increase in the total number of inhabitants of a country, city, district or area)
hazkuntza breeding (The application of genetic principles to the improvement of farm animals and cultivated plants)
hazkuntza-teknika breeding technique (Term referring to the systems employed in animal rearing (extensive and intensive))
hedabide means of communication (The agents, instruments, methods or resources used to impart or interchange thoughts, opinions or information)
hedatze-politika enlargement policy
hedatze-prozesu propagation process (Process by which a disturbance at one point is propagated to another point more remote from the source with no net transport of the material of the medium itself; examples include the motion of electromagnetic waves, sound waves, hydrodynamic waves in liquids, and vibration waves in solids)
hegazti bird (Any of the warm-blooded vertebrates which make up the class Aves)
hegazti habiagile breeding bird (The individuals in a bird population that are involved in reproduction during a particular period in a given place)
hegazti harrapari bird of prey (Any of various carnivorous bird of the orders Falconiformes and Strigiformes which feed on meat taken by hunting)
hegazti migratzaile migratory bird (Birds which migrate in a body)
hegazti urtar waterfowl (Aquatic birds which constitute the order Anseriformes, including the swans, ducks, geese, and screamers)
hegazti-azienda poultry (Domesticated fowl grown for their meat and eggs)
hegazti-espezie bird species (Any species of the warm-blooded vertebrates which make up the class Aves)
hegazti-fauna avifauna (All the birds in a particular region)
hegazti-hazkuntza aviculture (The raising, keeping, and care of birds)
hegazti-hazkuntza poultry farming (One of the commonest of agricultural occupations. Many urban households and many farms maintain some chickens for both meat and eggs)
hegaztien babes protection of birds
hegaztientzako aterpe bird sanctuary (Special area where birds are protected)
hegaztientzako babesleku bird sanctuary (Special area where birds are protected)
hegaztizaintza aviculture (The raising, keeping, and care of birds)