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Terms for subject Environment (5949 entries)
felido felid (Predatory mammal, including cats, lions, leopards, tigers, jaguars, and cheetahs, typically having a round head and retractile claws)
fenol phenol (A white crystalline soluble poisonous acidic derivative of benzene, used as an antiseptic and disinfectant and in the manufacture of resins, nylon, dyes, explosives and pharmaceuticals)
fenol halogenatu halogenated phenol (Halogen derivatives of phenol)
fenomeno meteorologiko meteorological phenomenon (Phenomena which occur in the troposphere and stratosphere, such as precipitations, wind, temperature, etc.)
fenomenoaren itzulezintasun irreversibility of the phenomenon (That quality of a process that precludes a prior state from being attained again)
feromona pheromone (Any substance secreted by an animal which influences the behaviour of other individuals of the same species)
film film (A motion picture; a thin flexible strip of cellulose coated with a photographic emission, used to make negatives and transparencies)
film dokumental documentary film (Any motion picture or movie in which an actual event, era or life story is presented factually, with little or no fiction)
film zinematografiko cinematographic film (Any motion picture of a story, drama, episode or event, often considered as an art form or used as a medium for entertainment)
filosofia philosophy (The academic discipline concerned with making explicit the nature and significance of ordinary and scientific beliefs and investigating the intelligibility of concepts by means of rational argument concerning their presuppositions, implications, and interrelationships; in particular, the rational investigation of the nature and structure of reality (metaphysics), the resources and limits of knowledge (epistemology), the principles and import of moral judgment (ethics), and the relationship between language and reality (semantics))
finantza finances (The monetary resources or revenue of a government, company, organization or individual)
finantza lokal local finance (The theory and practice of all public money matters pertaining to city, town or small district governments)
finantza-aholkularitza financial assistance (Help and support provided on matters concerning money)
finantza-baliabide financial instrument (A generic term that refers to the many different forms of financing a business may use. For example - loans, shares, and bonds are all considered financing instruments)
finantza-fondo financial fund (Monetary resources set aside for some purpose)
finantza-funts financial fund (Monetary resources set aside for some purpose)
finantza-konpentsazio financial compensation (The financial reparations that a claimant seeks or a court awards for injuries sustained or property harmed by another)
finantza-kudeaketa financial management (The management of acquisitions and the use of long- and short-term capital by a business)
finantza-merkatu financial market (A place or institution in which buyers and sellers meet and trade monetary assets, including stocks, bonds, securities and money)
finantza-sostengu financial aid (The transfer of funds from developed to underdeveloped countries)