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Terms for subject General (8582 entries)
akcijski program za izvajanje Teritorialne agende Evropske unije Action Programme for the Implementation of the Territorial Agenda of the European Union
AKP ACP Member States
AKP African, Caribbean and Pacific countries
AKP African, Caribbean and Pacific States
Akt o pristopu act of Accession
Akt o pristopu Avstrije, Finske in Švedske Act of Accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden
Akt o volitvah poslancev Evropskega parlamenta s splošnimi neposrednimi volitvami z dne 20. septembra 1976 Act concerning the election of the members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage
Akt o volitvah poslancev Evropskega parlamenta s splošnimi neposrednimi volitvami z dne 20. septembra 1976 Act concerning the election of the representatives of the Assembly by direct universal suffrage
Akt za enotni trg Single Market Act I
Akt za enotni trg Single Market Act
Akt za enotni trg I Single Market Act I
Akt za enotni trg I Single Market Act
Akt za enotni trg II Single Market Act II
akti, sprejeti acts adopted
aktivna korupcija active bribery
aktivna korupcija active corruption
aktivna snov active material
aktivna zaposlenost active employment
aktivni element active element
aktivni sistem active system