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Terms for subject Environment (6584 entries)
roztoče mite (An order of small Arachnida with rounded bodies. Mites are very abundant in the soil, feeding on plant material and invertebrate animals. Some parasitic mites (e.g. red spider) damage crops and can be serious pests. Others cause diseases in animals. Ticks are blood-suckers, some being vectors of diseases such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever in humans and fowls, and louping ill in cattle and sheep)
rozvinuté krajiny developed country (A nation possessing a relatively high degree of industrialization, infrastructure and other capital investment, sophisticated technology, widespread literacy and advanced living standards among its populations as a whole)
rozvodie watershed (The dividing line between two adjacent river systems, such as a ridge)
rozvoj mesta urban development (Any physical extension of, or changes to, the uses of land in metropolitan areas, often involving subdivision into zones; construction or modification of buildings, roads, utilities and other facilities; removal of trees and other obstructions; and population growth and related economic, social and political changes)
rozvoj spoločnosti social development (The state of nations and the hystorical processes of change experienced by them. The concept of development subsumes associated cultural and political changes as well as welfare measures which reflect distribution of goods, wealth and opportunities)
rozvoj vidieka rural development (Any course destined to promote economic growth, modernization, increase in agricultural production and the creation of a framework in which to fulfill primary needs, such as education, health and supply of water in the rural areas. The attainment of such objectives depends in general on the type of administrative systems proposed for the various programmes and on the national political situation as regards, for instance land tenure, agrarian reform, the disbursement of assistance and food policy)
rozvoj vodných zdrojov water resources development
rozvojová kooperácia development co-operation
rozvojová oblasť development area (Area which has been given special help from a government to encourage business and factories to be set up there)
rozvojová pomoc development aid (The economic assistance or other types of support provided to developing countries to promote or encourage advancement in living standards, institutions, infrastructure, agricultural practices and other aspects of an economy, and to resolve problems typically associated with developing countries)
rozvojové krajiny developing country (A country whose people are beginning to utilize available resources in order to bring about a sustained increase in per capita production of goods and services)
ruda metallic mineral (Minerals containing metals, such as bauxite, pyrite, etc.)
ruda ore (A mineral or mineral aggregate, more or less mixed with gangue, that can be worked and treated at a profit)
rúra pipe (A tube made of metal, clay, plastic, wood, or concrete and used to conduct a fluid, gas, or finely divided solid)
rušivý hluk noise disturbance (Noise interferes with communication and interferes with thought processes. Noise interferes with sleep, it causes anger and frustration, and has been implicated as a contributor to various psychological and physiological problems. Noise detracts from the quality of life and the environment)
rybárska loď fishing vessel
rybárska rezervácia fishing preserve (Limited portion of a water body where angling is allowed)
rybársky lístok fishing licence (Official permission granted to individuals or commercial enterprises allowing and regulating by time, location, species, size or amount the fish that can be caught from rivers, lakes or ocean waters within a particular jurisdiction)
rybársky priemysel fishing industry (Industry for the handling, processing, and packing of fish or shellfish for market or shipment)
rybné hospodárstvo fishery (The industry of catching, processing and selling fish)