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Terms for subject Environment (6584 entries)
primárna náprava primary remediation
primárne (mechanické) čistenie primary treatment (Removal of floating solids and suspended solids, both fine and coarse, from raw sewage)
primárne odvetvie primary sector (That part of a country's or region's economy that makes direct use of natural resources, including agriculture, forestry, fishing and the fuel, metal and mining industries)
primárny les primary forest (Forest which originally covered a region before changes in the environment brought about by people)
primáty primate (Order of mammals containing monkeys, apes, and human beings)
prímorská promenáda marina (A small port that is used for pleasure rather than trade, often with hotels, restaurants and bars)
princíp "znečisťovateľ platí" polluter-pays principle (The principle that those causing pollution should meet the costs to which it gives rise)
princíp prevencie precautionary principle (Principle adopted by the UN Conference on Environment and Development (1992) that in order to protect the environment, a precautionary approach should be widely applied, meaning that where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage to the environment, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation)
princíp spolupráce co-operation principle
princíp subsidiarity subsidiary principle (The fundamental doctrine or tenet that policy making decisions should be made at the most decentralized level, in which a centralized governing body would not take action unless it it is more effective than action taken at a lower government level)
princíp trvalej udržateľnosti principle of sustainability (Principle stated by the World Commission on Environment and Development (The Bruntland Commission) in 1987: development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. Sustainable development is a process of integrating economic, social and ecological goals, and should not mean a trade-off between the environment and development. Sustainable development should imply balance rather than conflict)
prínosnosť emissions reduction additionality
prínosnosť additionality
príprava produktov na trh preparation for market (The containment, protection, handling and presentation of goods for the market)
príprava staveniska building site preparation (No definition needed)
pripravenosť na katastrofu disaster preparedness (The aggregate of measures to be taken in view of disasters, consisting of plans and action programmes designed to minimize loss of life and damage, to organize and facilitate effective rescue and relief, and to rehabilitate after disaster. Preparedness requires the necessary legislation and means to cope with disaster or similar emergency situations. It is also concerned with forecasting and warning, the education and training of the public, organization and management, including plans, training of personnel, the stockpiling of supplies and ensuring the needed funds and other resources)
prípravok (prostriedok) na ochranu rastlín plant protection product
prípustný expozičný limit permissible exposure limit (An exposure limit that is set for exposure to an hazardous substance or harmful agent and enforced by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Act) as a legal standard. It is based on time-weighted average concentrations for a normal 8-hour work day and 40 hour work week)
prírodná citlivá oblasť sensitive natural area (Terrestrial or aquatic area or other fragile natural setting with unique or highly-valued environmental features)
prírodná hodnota natural value