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Terms for subject Procedural law (681 entries)
meno first name
meno given name
meno name
meno a priezvisko surname and first name
mimomanželský vzťah adultery
mnohoženstvo polygamy
N/A (SK) possession of status
N/A (SK) status by habit and repute
N/A (SK) full community property system
N/A (SK) rights arising from equal sharing of matrimonial assets
N/A (SK) community of property
N/A (SK) rights in property based on universal community
N/A N/A (UK)
nadobúdanie vlastníckeho práva acquisition of title
nadobudnutie priezviska choice of surname
nadobudnutie priezviska naming
nadobudnutie rodičovskej autority acquisition of parental responsibility
nadobudnutie rodičovskej autority attribution of parental responsibility
nadobudnutie rodičovskej autority conferral of parental responsibility