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Terms for subject Politics (11298 entries)
indio andino Andean Indian
individualismo individualism
indización indexation
indización indexation (A system linking any or all aspects of a payment or reward system to the cost of living so that they rise automatically with inflation)
indización de documentos indexing
Indochina Indochina
indonesio Indonesian
industria industry
industria aeronáutica aircraft industry
industria armamentista defence industry
industria basada en el conocimiento knowledge based industry
industria basada en el conocimiento knowledge based industry (information industry)
industria casera cottage industry
Industria cinematográfica Film industry
industria conservera canning industry
industria de alta tecnologìa high technology industry
industria de alta tecnologìa high technology industry (High technology industries usually employ a large number of scientists and engineers, invest heavily in research and development, and have great potential for extremely rapid growth through the emergence of new products and processes)
industria de aparatos de precisión instrumentation industry
industria de aparatos de precisión instrumentation industry (The manufacture of measuring, controlling, laboratory and scientific instruments)
industria de artìculos deportivos sporting goods industry