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Terms for subject Microsoft (3936 entries)
Ekranning lahzali suratini qo‘shmoq Insert Screen Shot
eksperimental tentative
eksport qilmoq export
ekspozitsiya tovoni exposure bias compensation
Ekspress-uslublar Quick Styles
ekstent extent
ELAM drayveri ELAM driver
elektrik sensor electrical sensor
Elektron jadval qismi Spreadsheet Component
elektron pochta electronic mail
elektron pochta hisob qaydnomasi e-mail account
elektron pochta manzili e-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by the
elektron pochta manzili email address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by the
elektron pochta serveri email server
elektron pochta serveri e-mail server
elektron pochta taxallusi e-mail alias
elektron pochta taxallusi e-mail alias (The portion of the e-mail address that appears to the left of the
elektron pochta xabari e-mail message
elektron tashrifnoma Electronic Business Card
element item