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Terms for subject Environment (6671 entries)
városi akcióprogram urban action program (A planned, coordinated group of activities or services intended for improving urban centers in order to provide healthy and safe living conditions, efficient transport and communication, adequate public facilities and aesthetic surroundings)
városi áramlások urban flows (resources, No definition needed)
városi élőhely urban habitat (The resulting effects and interrelationships of human population concentrations, the built environment, and the biophysical environment)
városi hulladéklerakó municipal dumping (Place where a town's refuse is disposed of after it has been collected)
városi koncentráció urban concentration (A process in which an increasing proportion of a country's population is concentrated in urban areas)
városi közlekedés urban traffic (Movements of vehicles and people within a city)
városi közösség urban community (Body of people living in a town or city)
városi lakosság urban population (The total number of persons inhabiting a city, metropolitan region or any area where the sum of residents exceeds a designated amount)
városi létesítmény urban facility (Supply of essential services to the community, e.g. electricity, gas, water)
városi növekedés módja pattern of urban growth (The combination of acts, tendencies and other observable characteristics that demonstrates a municipal area's progress or state of development, including its population trends)
városi ökoszisztéma urban ecosystem (Towns and cities viewed as ecosystems, having an input of matter and energy, recycling within the system, and an output of matter and energy into the surroundings)
városi stressz urban stress (A state of bodily or mental tension developed through city living, or the physical, chemical, or emotional factors that give rise to that tension)
városi szanálás urban sanitation (The renovation or redevelopment of the decaying areas of cities by the demolition or up-grading of existing dwellings and buildings and a general improvement in environmental conditions)
városi szennyezés urban pollution (Pollution of highly populated areas mainly deriving from motor vehicles, industrial plants, combustion and heating plants, etc.)
városi szennyezőanyag urban pollutant
városi szennyvíz urban wastewater (The liquid wastes deriving from domestic, commercial and industrial activities of an urban settlement)
városi táj urban landscape (The traits, patterns and structure of a city's specific geographic area, including its biological composition, its physical environment and its social patterns)
városi település urban settlement (A collection of dwellings located in an urban area)
városi terület urban area (Areas within the legal boundaries of cities and towns; suburban areas developed for residential, industrial or recreational purposes)
városi víz urban water (Water destined for private and public use in a town)