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Terms for subject Environment (6671 entries)
sivatagosodás desertification (1. The development of desert conditions as a result of human activity or climatic changes. 2. The process of land damage which allows the soil to spread like a desert in arid and semi-arid regions. There is a loss of vegetative cover and the soil deteriorates in texture, nutrient content and fertility. Desertification affects the lives of three-quarters of the world's population, 70% of all drylands and one quarter of the total land area of the planet. There are many reasons for desertification, but the majority are caused by human activities, overgrazing, deforestation, poor land management and over-exploitation. Agenda 21 states that the priority in combating desertification should be establishing preventive measures for lands that are not yet, or are only slightly, degraded)
sivatagosodás elleni védelem desertification control (Remedial and preventive actions adopted against desertification include irrigation, planting of trees and grasses, the erection of fences to secure sand dunes, and a careful management of water resources)
salt (The reaction product when a metal displaces the hydrogen of an acid)
sodrott twisted
sokszög polygon (In the vector type of GIS internal data organization spatial data are conveniently divided into point, line and polygon types. Some vector GIS store information in the form of points, line segments and point pairs; others maintain close lists of points defining polygon regions)
sómentesítés desalination
sörgyár brewery
söripar brewing industry (A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in the manufacture and marketing of beverages made from malt and hops by steeping, boiling and fermentation, such as beer, ale and other related beverages)
sors fate
sors és viselkedés fate and behaviour
sós mocsár salt marsh (Areas of brackish, shallow water usually found in coastal areas and in deltas. There are also inland marshes in arid areas where the water has a high salt level because of evaporation. They are environmentally delicate areas, extremely vulnerable to pollution by industrial or agricultural chemicals, or to thermal pollution, which often results when river water has been used as the coolant in power stations and industrial plants)
sós rét salt meadow (A meadow subject to overflow by salt water)
sós víz salt water (Water of the seas, distinguished by high salinity)
sósav hydrochloric acid (A solution of hydrogen chloride gas in water; a poisonous, pungent liquid forming a constant-boiling mixture at 20% concentration in water; widely used as a reagent, in organic synthesis, in acidizing oil wells, ore reduction, food processing, and metal cleaning and pickling. Also known as muriatic acid, HCl)
sótalanítás desalination
sótalanító telep desalination plant (1. Plants for the extraction of fresh water from saltwater by the removal of salts, usually by distilling. 2. Parts of the world with severe water shortages are looking to desalination plants to solve their problems. Desalination of water is still nearly four times more expensive than obtaining water from conventional sources. However technology is improving and costs are likely to decrease slightly in the future. There is now more interest in building distillation plants beside electric installations so that the waste heat from power generation can be used to drive the desalination process)
sóterhelés salt load
sótömb salt plug (A mass of salt which is injected as a diapir (a dome in which the overlying rocks have been ruptured by the squeezing-out of plastic core material) into overlying sedimentary rocks, thereby piercing and deforming them. The mechanism is similar to that of an intrusive magma, with the salt deforming and behaving plastically under pressure. It is of great economic importance because it assists in the formation of a "trap" structure for oil accumulation, in addition to its associated deposits of anhydrite, gypsum and sulphur)
sövény hedge (A line of closely planted bushes or shrubs, marking the boundaries of a field. The type of hedge varies between parts of the country, and its age can be dated from the number of species of tree and shrub present. Over the last thirty years hedge-row removal has had a marked visual effect on lowland agricultural landscapes. From the farmer's point of view, in areas of predominant arable or intensively managed grazing, there is little or no economic justification for retaining hedges)
speciális ipari hulladék special industrial waste (Discarded material produced in any industrial process for which there is no specified mode of disposal)