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Terms for subject Environment (6671 entries)
pentaklóretilén perchloroethylene (Stable, colorless liquid, nonflammable and nonexplosive, with low toxicity; used as a dry-cleaning and industrial solvent, in pharmaceuticals and medicines, and for metal cleaning)
pentaklórfenol pentachlorophenol (One of the universally toxic phenolic compounds, is a general purpose agent that is used as a fungicide, herbicide and molluscicide, particularly in Egypt where it is used to control snails that carry the larval human blood flukes that cause schistosomiasis. It is also used in wood preservatives and is very poisonous)
pénzelmélet theory of money (A coherent group of general propositions about the supply and demand of money, interest rates, the flow of money's influence on the overall economy or the policies that should be adopted by institutions controlling the money supply)
pénzpiac money market (A financial market that trades Treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term financial instruments. This market is often used by businesses when they need short-term funds to bridge the gap between paying operating costs and collecting revenue from product sales. As such, the term "money" in money market indicates that businesses are using highly liquid instruments to raise the money need for operating expenses)
pénzpiac financial market (A place or institution in which buyers and sellers meet and trade monetary assets, including stocks, bonds, securities and money)
pénzügyi alap financial fund (Monetary resources set aside for some purpose)
pénzügyi eszköz financial instrument (A generic term that refers to the many different forms of financing a business may use. For example - loans, shares, and bonds are all considered financing instruments)
pénzügyi hozzájárulás financial contribution (Something given, including any form of income or price support; individual investor's monetary offering or contribution to common fund or stock; government agency's or lending aid agency's subsidy, grant, or other contribution to help bolster an economy)
pénzügyi irányítás financial management (The management of acquisitions and the use of long- and short-term capital by a business)
pénzügyi kapcsolatok monetary relations (The different modes in which countries, nations, etc., are brought together by financial, currency, or pecuniary interests)
pénzügyi kártérítés financial compensation (The financial reparations that a claimant seeks or a court awards for injuries sustained or property harmed by another)
pénzügyi segély financial aid (The transfer of funds from developed to underdeveloped countries)
pénzügyi törvény financial law
pép/zagy/cellulóz pulp (The cellulosic material produced by reducing wood mechanically or chemically and used in making paper and cellulose products. Also known as wood pulp)
pépszerű hulladék paste-like waste (Waste deriving from various activities having a pasty consistency)
pereskedés litigation (A judicial contest, a judicial controversy, a suit at law)
periferikus parkterület peripheral park area (A zone of the park where scientific research is allowed. Beyond this there is a buffer zone which protects the whole reserve from agricultural, industrial and urban development)
perifiton periphyton (A plant or animal organism which is attached or clings to surfaces of leaves or stems of rooted plants above the bottom stratum)
permanganát permanganate
permetezett azbeszt sprayed asbestos (Asbestos emitted into the atmosphere in a spraying operation)