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Terms for subject Commerce (652 entries)
piaci értesülések market intelligence
piaci hozzáférhetőség biztosítása made available on the market
piaci információ market intelligence
piaci integráció market integration
piaci probléma market problem
piaci stratégia marketing strategy
piaci viszonyok market conditions
piacon bevezet launch on the market
piacon bevezet market
piacon bevezet place on the market
piacon bevezet put on the market
piacon innovatív new–to-market
piacra dob launch on the market
piacra dob market
piacra dob place on the market
piacra dob put on the market
piacra lépés market entry
Piacrajutási Adatbázis Market Access Database
Piacrajutási Adatbázis database on access to markets
piacról való kivonás market withdrawal