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Terms for subject Environment (6671 entries)
hozam yield (The accumulated volume or biomass remaining from gross production after accounting for losses due to respiration during production, herbivory, litterfall, and other factors that decrease the remaining available biomass; agricultural)
hozzáférési jog right of access
hulaldékjogszabályok waste legislation (A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate the disposal of unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing process or the refuse from places of human or animal habitation)
hulladék waste (Material, often unusable, left over from any manufacturing, industrial, agricultural or other human process; Material damaged or altered during a manufacturing process and subsequently left useless)
hulladék asszimilációs képesség waste assimilation capacity
hulladék eltávolításból származó szennyezés pollution abatement waste (Wastes resulting from the operations of pollutant removal from industries, cleaning processes, etc.)
hulladék felhasználása anyagként use of waste as material
hulladék felhasználása energiaforrásként use of waste as energy source
hulladék gáztalanítása waste degasification (The removal of gaseous components form waste)
hulladék importálási engedély waste importation permit (An authorization, license or equivalent control document issued by a government agency that approves bringing in refuse or unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing process from foreign countries)
hulladék keletkezés megakadályozása waste avoidance (All measures by which production and consumption processes are caused to generate less (or no waste), or to generate only those wastes that can be treated without causing problems)
hulladék lerakóhely waste dump (Area where wastes are deposited and burned)
hulladék összetétel waste composition (The component material types, by percentage or weight, emanating from any source)
hulladék tömege waste volume (The total amount of refuse or unusable material produced at any source)
hulladék újrahasznosítás waste recycling (A method of recovering wastes as resources which includes the collection, and often involving the treatment, of waste products for use as a replacement of all or part of the raw material in a manufacturing process)
hulladék vegyi kezelése chemical treatment of waste
hulladék-iszap komposzt refuse-sludge compost (compost made from mixture of sewage sludge and compostable refuse or waste; Compost derived by the biodegradation of the organic constituents of solid wastes and wastewater sludges. The major public health issues associated with composting using solid wastes mixed with sewage sludge are pathogens, heavy metal, and odors. The heat generated during composting, as a result of the activities of thermophilic organisms, is capable of killing bacteria, viruses, protozoa and helminths present in sewage sludge. The metallic elements in sludge of greatest concern to human health are cadmium, lead, arsenic, selenium, and mercury. Only cadmium is normally found in sewage sludge at levels which, when applied to soils, can be absorbed by plants, and accumulate in edible parts, thereby entering the food chain)
hulladékanyag scrap material (Recyclable material from any manufacturing process or discarded consumer products)
hulladékanyagár scrap material price (The amount of money or the monetary rate at which materials discarded from manufacturing operations can be bought or sold)
hulladékanyagpiac scrap material market (The trade or traffic in discarded or leftover materials that can be reused in some way)