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Terms for subject Environment (6671 entries)
haltoxicitás fish toxicity
hamu ash (The incombustible matter remaining after a substance has been incinerated)
hang sound
hangafüves terület heathland (An area with poor acid soil, typically dominated by ling (Calluna) or heaths (Erica))
hangátvitel sound transmission (Passage of a sound wave through a medium or series of media)
hangcsillapító silencer (Any device designed to reduce noise, especially the device in the exhaust system of a motor vehicle)
hangemisszió sound emission (Diffusion into the environment of a sound emitted from a given source)
hangimmisszió sound immission (The introduction in the environment of noise deriving from various sources that can be grouped in: transportation activities, industrial activities and daily normal activities)
hangmérés sound measurement (Because of the large variations in sound magnitudes, and because the human hearing sensation seems to vary in a logarithmic way, logarithms are used in measurement of sound. The sound pressure level is given in decibels (dB))
hangosság loudness (The magnitude of the physiological sensation produced by a sound, which varies directly with the physical intensity of sound but also depends on frequency of sound and waveform)
hangrobbanás sonic boom (A noise caused by a shock wave that emanates from an aircraft or other object traveling at or above sonic velocity)
hangszigetelőanyag sound insulation material (Material used to reduce the transmission of sound to or from a body, device, room, etc.)
hangszint sound level (The sound pressure level (in decibels) at a point in a sound field, averaged over the audible frequency range and over a time interval)
hangszűrő acoustic filter (A device employed to reject sound in a particular range of frequencies while passing sound in another range of frequencies)
hangterjedés sound propagation (The travelling of acoustic waves in the atmosphere with a speed independent of their amplitude. The speed only depends on the acoustic medium and is proportional to the square route of the absolute temperature for any given medium)
hányinger nausea
harántcsíkolt striated
harmadik/tercier szektor tertiary sector (The part of a country or region's economy that produces services or assets lacking a tangible and storable form)
harmadrendű kezelés tertiary treatment (The process which remove pollutants not adequately removed by secondary treatment, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus; accomplished by means of sand filters, microstraining, or other methods (referring to wastewater treatment))
hármas elv trinity of principles (trias of environmental policy principles: precautionary, originator (polluter-pays) and cooperation principle; Three fundamental principles of environmental policy: precautionary principle, polluter pays-principle and cooperation principle)