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Terms for subject Environment (6671 entries)
citrát citrate
CO2-intenzitás carbon dioxide intensity
CO2-intenzitás C0sub2sub intensity
CO2-intenzitás carbon intensity
Copernicus Copernicus
Copernicus European Earth monitoring programme
Copernicus European Earth Observation Programme
Copernicus Global Monitoring for Environment and Security
Copernicus Union Earth observation and monitoring programme
Copernicus program Copernicus
Copernicus program European Earth monitoring programme
Copernicus program European Earth Observation Programme
Copernicus program Global Monitoring for Environment and Security
Copernicus program Union Earth observation and monitoring programme
COsub2sub-kibocsátás-áthelyezés carbon leakage
család family (A group comprising parents, offsprings and others closely related or associated with them)
családi állapot marital status (The standing of an individual with regard to a legally recognized conjugal relationship, either in the present or past)
családtervezés family planning (The control of the number of children in a family and of the intervals between them, especially by the use of contraceptives)
családtörvény family law (Branch of specialty of law, also denominated "domestic relations" law, concerned with such subjects as adoption, annulment, divorce, separation, paternity, custody, support and child care)
csapadékfokozás precipitation enhancement (Increase of precipitation resulting from changes in the colloidal stability of clouds. This can be either intentional, as with cloud seeding, or unintentional, as with air pollution, which increases aerosol concentrations and reduces sunlight)