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Terms for subject Environment (6671 entries)
adatok a környezet állapotáról data on the state of the environment (No definition needed)
adatrögzítési módszer data recording technique (The body of specialized procedures and methods used for the preservation, collocation or registration of individual elements of information)
adatszerzés data acquisition (The act of collecting and gathering individual facts, statistics or other items of information)
adattábla rating plate
addicionalitás emissions reduction additionality
addicionalitás additionality
addíciós polimer addition polymer (A polymer formed by the chain addition of unsaturated monomer molecules, such as olefins, with one another without the formation of a by-product, as water; examples are polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene)
adó tax (An amount of money demanded by a government for its support or for specific facilities or services, most frequently levied upon income, property or sales)
adódifferenciálás tax differentiation
adórendszer tax system (A co-ordinated body of methods or plan of procedures for levying compulsory charges for the purpose of raising revenue)
adósság debt (Something owed to someone else)
adósságszolgálat debt service (The fees or amount of money necessary to pay interest on an outstanding debt, the principal of maturing serial bonds, and the required contributions to an amortization or sinking fund for term bonds)
adótörvény tax law (A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government stipulating the sum of money and manner of collection it demands for governmental support, facilities and services, usually levied upon income, property, sales or other financial resources)
adózási politika taxation policy (The use of government tax and spending policies to achieve desired macroeconomic goals. Accordingly, they involve discretionary efforts to adjust governmental tax and spending to induce changes in economic incentives and, hence, to stabilize fluctuations in aggregate demand)
adszorpció adsorption (The physical or chemical bonding of molecules of gas, liquid or a dissolved substance to the external surface of a solid or the internal surface, if the material is porous, in a very thin layer)
aerob/oxigént igénylő feltétel aerobic condition (Life common to the majority of animal and plants species requiring the presence of oxygen)
aerob/oxigént igénylő folyamat aerobic process (A process requiring the presence of oxygen)
aerobiológia aerobiology (The study of the atmospheric dispersal of airborne fungus spores, pollen grains, and microorganisms; and, more broadly, of airborne propagules of algae and protozoans, minute insects such as aphids, and pollution gases and particles which exert specific biologic effects)
aerodinamikai zaj aerodynamic noise (Acoustic noise caused by turbulent airflow over the surface of a body)
aeroszol aerosol