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Terms for subject Environment (6671 entries)
diffúz forrás diffuse source (Pollution which arises from various activities with no discrete source)
diffúz kibocsátás diffuse emissions
diffúz szennyezés diffuse pollution (Pollution from widespread activities with no one discrete source, e.g. acid rain, pesticides, urban run-off etc.)
digesztor digester (Machine which takes refuse and produces gas such as methane from it)
digitális felszíni modell digital land model (A representation of a surface's topography stored in a numerical format. Each pixel has been assigned coordinates and an altitude)
digitális képfeldolgozó módszer digital image processing technique (Techniques employed in the calibration of image data, the correction or reduction of errors occurring during capture or transmission of the data and in various types of image enhancement-operations which increase the ability of the analyst to recognize features of interest)
digitalizálás digitizing (The process of converting data to a form used in computers, transmitted or stored with digital technology and expressed as a string of 0's and 1's)
díj fee (A charge fixed by law for services of public officers or for use of a privilege under control of government)
direktíva átvétele transposition of directive
díszítés decoration
diszperzió számítás dispersion calculation (The calculation of pollutant dispersion is based on the use of air dispersion models that mathematically simulate atmospheric conditions and behaviour. Dispersion models can provide concentration or deposition estimates and can be used to evaluate both existing and hypothetical emissions scenarios)
dízel üzemanyag diesel fuel (Heavy oil residue used as fuel for certain types of diesel engines)
dízelmotor diesel engine (An internal combustion engine operating on a thermodynamic cycle in which the ratio of compression of the air charge is sufficiently high to ignite the fuel subsequently injected into the combustion chamber)
DNS DNA (The principal material of inheritance. It is found in chromosomes and consists of molecules that are long unbranched chains made up of many nucleotides. Each nucleotide is a combination of phosphoric acid, the monosaccharide deoxyribose and one of four nitrogenous bases: thymine, cytosine, adenine or guanine. The number of possible arrangements of nucleotides along the DNA chain is immense. Usually two DNA strands are linked together in parallel by specific base-pairing and are helically coiled. Replication of DNA molecules is accomplished by separation of the two strands, followed by the building up of matching strands by means of base-pairing, using the two halves as templates. By a mechanism involving RNA, the structure of DNA is translated into the structure of proteins during their synthesis from amino acids)
dohányfüst tobacco smoke (The grey, brown, or blackish mixture of gases and suspended carbon particles resulting from the combustion of tobacco. Tobacco smoke is inhaled and distributes toxins widely throughout the body and causes an enormous variety of illness among users and among non-smokers exposed to tobacco smoke)
dohányzás smoking (The inhalation and exhalation of carcinogenic fumes from burning plant material, usually tobacco)
doktrína doctrine (A rule, principle, theory, or tenet of the law, as the doctrine of merger, the doctrine of relation, etc.; law)
dokumentáció tárgymutatóval indexing of documentation (A service which creates a special contents list, containing titles, authors, abstracts, subject headings and other information, to describe a large number of publications and to be used in searchable, machine-readable (or printed) look-up tables)
dokumentációs központ documentation centre (Centre for assembling, coding, and disseminating recorded knowledge comprehensively treated as an integral procedure, utilizing various techniques for giving documentary information maximum accessibility and usability)
dokumentálás documentation (The process of accumulating, classifying and disseminating information, often to support the claim or data given in a book or article)