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Terms for subject Environment (6671 entries)
űrpolitika space policy (A course of action adopted and pursued by government or some other organization, which seeks to support research and the exploration of planets, asteroids and other elements in the region beyond earth's atmosphere or beyond the solar system)
ürülék baktérium faecal bacterium (Bacteria contained in human and animal faeces)
űrutazás space travel (Travel in the space beyond the earth's atmosphere performed for scientific research purposes)
úszólábú pinniped (Belonging to the Pinnipedia, an order of aquatic placental mammals having a streamlined body and limbs specialized as flippers: includes seals, sea lions, and the walrus)
utalásos információ referral information (Directions leading someone to another source that is known to provide knowledge or assistance on the specified topic or request)
utalásos információs rendszer referral information system (A coordinated assemblage of people, devices or other resources organized to provide directions leading people to sources known to provide knowledge or assistance on a specified topic or request)
utasítás/előírás ordinance (A rule established by authority; a permanent rule of action; a law or statute. In its most common meaning, the term is used to designate the enactment of the legislative body)
utasítás/végzés order (1. A direction or command of a court. In this sense it is often used synonymously with judgment. 2. The document bearing the seal of the court recording its judgment in a case)
utazás travel (Moving from one place to another generally by using a transportation mean)
utazási költség travel cost (Expenditure of money or the amount of money incurred for journeying or going from one place to another by some mode of transportation)
útbiztonság road safety (Any measure, technique or design intended to reduce the risk of harm posed by moving vehicles along a constructed land route)
útépítés road construction (No definition needed)
útépítő anyag road construction material (The aggregation of components used for building streets, highways and other routes, such as asphalt, concrete, brick, sand and gravel)
úthálózat road network (The system of roads through a country)
útkarbantartás road maintenance (The care or upkeep of streets, highways and other routes, including improvements in alignment, widening and markings, and work involving buried cables, water mains or gas mains)
ütközés impingement
ütközésmérő impactor (Instrument which samples atmospheric suspensoids by impaction; such instruments consist of a housing which constrains the air flow past a sensitized sampling plate)
útlétesítés road setting (The establishing of boulevards, turnpikes, highways and other routes on land)
utóégetés afterburning (An afterburner is a gadget fitted to the exhaust flues of furnaces and also to the exhaust systems of motor vehicles. They remove polluting gases and particles, which are the result of incompletely combusted fuel, by incineration and break down other chemical molecules associated with combustion into inert chemicals)
utókezelés post-treatment (Treatment of treated water or wastewater to improve the water quality)