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Terms for subject Environment (6187 entries)
takarmányszennyezés forage contamination (Introduction of hazardous or poisonous substances such as arsenic or lead into, or onto, fodder for animals. The animals consume the contaminated feed and can become sick and may die)
takarmánytörvény forage law
talaj sótartalom soil salinity (Measurement of the quantity of mineral salts found in a soil. Many semi-arid and arid areas are naturally salty. By definition they are areas of substantial water deficit where evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation. Thus, whereas in humid areas there is sufficient water to percolate through the soil and to leach soluble materials from the soil and the rocks into the rivers and hence into the sea, in deserts this is not the case. Salts therefore tend to accumulate)
talaj szervesszén-tartalma soil organic carbon
talaj-ásványtan soil mineralogy (Study of the formation, occurrence, properties, composition, and classification of the minerals present in the soil)
talajalakítás land forming
talajalakulat landform (Any physical, recognizable form or feature of the Earth's surface, having a characteristic shape and produced by natural causes; it includes major forms such as plane, plateau and mountain, and minor forms such as hill, valley, slope, esker, and dune. Taken together the landforms make up the surface configuration of the Earth's)
talajbiológia soil biology (The study of the living organisms, mainly microorganisms and microinvertebrates which live within the soil, and which are largely responsible for the decomposition processes vital to soil fertility)
talajdegradáció land degradation
talajdegradáció soil degradation
talajdegradáció soil deterioration
talajelemzés soil analysis (The use of rapid chemical analyses to determine the fertility status of a soil. It is used to identify those nutrients or substances that are present in either insufficient or excessive quantities for optimum plant growth. Analyses are also used to monitor increases or decreases in soil fertility over time)
talajerőforrás soil resource (No definition needed)
talajerózió soil erosion (Detachment and movement of topsoil or soil material from the upper part of the profile, by the action of wind or running water, especially as a result of changes brought about by human activity, such as unsuitable or mismanaged agriculture)
talajfelszín lezárás soil surface sealing (Any activity or process in which ground surface areas are packed or plugged to prevent percolation or the passage of fluids)
talajfolyamat soil process (The major processes in soils are gains, losses, transfers, and transformations of organic matter, soluble salts, carbonates, silicate clay minerals, sesquioxides, and silica. Gains consist normally of additions of organic matter, and of oxygen and water through oxidation and hydration, but in some sites slow continuous additions of new mineral materials take place at the surface or soluble materials are deposited from groundwater. Losses are chiefly of materials dissolved or suspended in water percolating through the profile or running off the surface)
talajfunkció soil function (The main soil function is participation in the material transformation and migrating processes occurring in the natural environment on which the functioning of ecosystems depends. The most active participants in the occurring processes are microorganisms and invertebrates, whose activity, different variety, complex structure, and abundance accurately reflect the soil type and its characteristics: so they are important indicators of ecological stability. The variety of soil organisms determine its self-regulatory and self-cleaning capacity)
talajhasználat soil use (Functional utilization of soil for agriculture, industry, or residential building purposes)
talajhasználati rendszer soil use regime (Type of management and utilization of the soil)
talajjavítás soil improvement (Process of protecting the soil from excessive erosion and making soil more fertile and productive)