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Terms for subject Environment (6187 entries)
sebezhető fajok vulnerable species
sebezhetőség vulnerability status
segélypolitika aid policy (A course of action adopted and pursued by government or some other organization that promotes or determines the allocation of assistance, support or relief, often from one country to another)
sejt cell
sejtmérgezés cytotoxicity (The degree to which an agent possesses a specific destructive action on certain cells or the possession of such action; used particularly in referring to the lysis of cells by immune phenomena and to antineoplastic drugs that selectively kill dividing cells)
sejttan cytology
semlegesítés neutralisation
semlegesítés inertisation (The process of waste inertisation includes solidification and stabilisation; stabilisation is the process used for reduction of hazard potential of the waste by converting the contaminants into their least soluble, least immobile, or least toxic form. Solidification physically binds or encapsulates the waste in a monolithic solid of high structural integrity. Thus solidification may be used for powders, liquids or gases)
sertéshizlalda piggery (A place where pigs are kept and reared)
sérülés injury (A stress upon an organism that disrupts the structure or function and results in a pathological process)
sétahajózás pleasure cruising (The activity of rowing, sailing or using a boat over a particular region of water, for amusement or enjoyment)
sherry sherry
síelés skiing (Gliding over snow on skis, especially as a sport)
sík forrás plane source (Pollution which arises from various activities with no discrete source)
siklóféle colubrid (Any snakes of the family of Colubridae, including many harmless snakes, such as the grass snake and whip belonging to the Colubridae)
síkság plain (An extensive, broad tract of level or rolling, almost treeless land with a shrubby vegetation, usually at a low elevation)
siló silo (A large round tower on a farm for storing grain or winter food for cattle)
síterep ski run (A trail, slope, or course for skiing)
sítereppálya ski run (A trail, slope, or course for skiing)
sivatag desert