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Terms for subject Environment (6187 entries)
parlamenti vita parliamentary debate (Formal discussion or dispute on a particular matter among the members of the parliament)
párolgási veszteség meghatározására szolgáló légmentes kamra sealed housing for evaporation determination
párolgási veszteség meghatározására szolgáló légmentes kamra sealed housing for evaporative determination
part coast (A line or zone where the land meets the sea or some other large expanse of water)
part menti övezet coastal zone
pártatlanság justice (The correct application of law as opposed to arbitrariness)
parti erózió coastal erosion (The gradual wearing away of material from a coast by the action of sea water)
parti gazdálkodás coastal management (Measures by way of planning, prior approval of works, prohibition of some activities, physical structures, and restoration efforts to protect the coastline against the ravages of nature and haphazard and unplanned developments)
parti őrség coastguard (A maritime force which aids shipping, saves lives at sea, prevents smuggling, etc. It also responds to emergencies involving oil spills and other discharges at sea and takes the lead in enforcing the law, including assessing penalties for environmental violations)
parti szennyezés coastal pollution (The presence, release or introduction of polluting substances in or onto the seashore or the land near it)
parti tengervíz coastal band
parti tengervíz coastal water
partközeli bányászat offshore mining (Oil extraction from platforms situated a short distance from the coast)
partközeli olajfúrás offshore oil drilling (The act or process of extracting petroleum from deposits underlying the floor of the ocean or some other large body of water)
partmenti halászat coastal fishing (Fishing in an area of the sea next to the shoreline)
partravetés beaching (The washing ashore of whales or other cetaceans that have died for natural causes, or because of highly polluted sea water or after being trapped in drift nets)
partvédelem bank protection (Engineering work which aims at the protection of banks of a river, or slopes of embankments along it, from erosion by the current of flow, from floods, etc.)
partvédelem coast protection (A form of environmental management designed to allay the progressive degradation of the land by coastal erosion processes. Sea defence works can be undertaken to protect the land from erosion and encroachment by the sea and against flooding. These involve engineering solutions such as groynes, sea walls, bulkheads, revetments and breakwaters)
partvonal coastline
patak creek (A narrow inlet or bay, especially of the sea)