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Terms for subject Environment (6187 entries)
magatartás behaviour (Any observable action or response of an organism, group or species to environmental factors)
magatartási minta behaviour pattern (A relatively uniform series of overt activities that can be observed with some regularity)
magatartástudomány behavioural science (The study of the behaviour of organisms)
magfúzió nuclear fusion (Combination of two light nuclei to form a heavier nucleus with release of some binding energy)
mágnesesség magnetism (A class of physical phenomena associated with moving electricity, including the mutual mechanical forces among magnets and electric currents)
mágnesszalag magnetic tape (A plastic, paper, or metal tape that is coated or impregnated with magnetizable iron oxide particles, used in magnetic recording)
magnézium-ammónium-nitrát magnesium ammonium nitrate
magolvadás core meltdown (An accidental overheating of the part of the nuclear reactor where fission takes place, causing fuel elements and other parts of the reactor to melt, potentially leading to catastrophic consequences in which dangerous levels of radioactive materials would be released into the environment)
magzat embryo
makrogazdasági cél macroeconomic goal (An aim or objective pertaining to the production, distribution and use of income, wealth and commodities in a country, region or other large area, typically concerned with governmental fiscal and monetary policy as it affects employment, consumption, investment and growth levels)
makrogazdaságtan macroeconomics (Modern economic analysis that is concerned with data inaggregate as opposed to individual form such as national income, consumption and investment)
malária malaria (A group of human febrile diseases with a chronic relapsing course caused by hemosporidian blood parasites of the genus Plasmodium, transmitted by the bite of Anopheles mosquito)
mandátum mandate (A command or authorization to act in a particular way given by an administrator to a subordinate, a court to a lower court or an electorate to its representative)
mangrove mocsár mangrove swamp (A wet, spongy area of land in tropical climates and along coastal regions that is dominated by mangrove trees and shrubs, particularly red mangroves (Rhizophora), black mangroves (Avicennia) and white mangroves (Laguncularia))
mangrovefa mangrove (Plant communities and trees that inhabit tidal swamps, muddy silt, and sand banks at the mouths of rivers and other low-lying areas which are regularly inundated by the sea, but which are protected from strong waves and currents. Mangroves are the only woody species that will grow where the land is periodically flooded with sea water; individual species have adapted themselves to different tidal levels, to various degrees of salinity, and to the nature of the mud or soil. Mangrove swamps and thickets support hundreds of terrestrial, marine, and amphibian species; have a special role in supporting estuarine fisheries; provide shelter, refuge and food for many forms of wildlife)
maradék hulladék residual waste (Material left after any waste treatment process, including industrial, urban, agricultural, mining or other similar treatments)
maradék hulladékiszap residual waste sludge (The excess, unusable semi-solids or sediment resulting from a wastewater treatment or industrial process)
maradék növényvédőszer residual pesticide (A pesticide remaining in the environment for a fairly long time, continuing to be effective for days, weeks, and months)
maradékanyag elemzés residue analysis (Analysis of residues from agricultural chemicals used in food crops and contained in foodstuff. The analyses use gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, immunoassays, etc.)
maradékanyag újrahasznosítása residue recycling (Recycling of material or energy which is left over or wasted in industrial processes and other human activities. Examples include waste heat and gaseous pollutants from electricity generation, slag from metal-ore refining, and garbage. A residual becomes an output or input when a technological advance creates economic opportunities for the waste)