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Terms for subject Environment (6187 entries)
kárbiztosítás damage insurance (A commercial product which provides a guarantee against damage to property in return for premiums paid)
kardiológia cardiology (The study of the heart)
kárértékelés damage assessment (The evaluation or determination of losses, harm and injuries to persons, property or the environment)
Karib-tenger Caribbean Area (A geographical region bordered on the south by South America and Panama, and on the west by Central America, and consisting of the West Indian, and nearby, islands and the Caribbean Sea, a part of the western Atlantic Ocean)
kármegelőzés damage prevention (The aggregate of approaches and measures to ensure that human action or natural phenomena do not cause damage. It implies the formulation and implementation of long-range policies and programmes to eliminate or prevent the damages caused by disasters)
kármentesítési intézkedés remedial measure
kárminimalizálás minimisation of damage (The activity of reducing the harm or injury done to the environment or ecosystem)
káros hatások mérséklése remediation of site
káros hatások mérséklése site remediation
karszt karst
kártalanítás compensation for damage (Equivalent in money or other form for a loss sustained for an injury, for property taken, etc.)
kártérítés compensation (Equivalent in money for a loss sustained; equivalent given for property taken or for an injury done to another; recompense or reward for some loss, injury or service)
kártérítés/jótállás indemnity (Financial compensation, reimbursement or security for damages or loss offered by a government, insurance policy or contractual agreement under specified conditions and for specific casualties)
kártérítési adó compensatory tax (Compulsory charge levied by a government for the purpose of redressing or countervailing economic disparity)
kártérítési igény claim for restitution (A legal remedy in which a person or party may demand or assert the right to be restored to a former or original position prior to loss, damage or injury)
kártérítési intézkedés compensatory measure (Any administrative or legislative action, procedure or enactment designed to redress disruptions of ecological integrity or damage to the supply of natural resources)
kártérítési jog right to compensation (A legally enforceable claim for payment or reimbursement to pay for damages, loss or injury, or for remuneration to pay for services rendered, whether in fees, commissions or salary)
kártevő ellen vegyi védekezés chemical pest control (Control of plants and animals classified as pests by means of chemical compounds)
kártevő elleni védelem pest control (Keeping down the number of pests by killing them or preventing them from attacking)
kártevő fertőzés pest infestation (1. The occurrence of one or more pest species in an area or location where their numbers and impact are currently or potentially at intolerable levels. 2. A sudden increase in destructiveness or population numbers of a pest species in a given area)