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Terms for subject Environment (6187 entries)
demográfiai növekedés demographic development (Growth in the number of individuals of a population)
demokrácia democracy (A system of governance in which ultimate authority power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their freely elected agents)
dendrokronológia dendrochronology (The science of dating the age of a tree by studying annual growth rings. It is also employed to interpret previous environments and climatic variations by examining certain kinds of trees. It is based on the theory that the width of the growth ring reflects the amount of rainfall and the temperature of the year in which it was formed)
denevér chiropteran (Order of placental mammals comprising the bats having the front limbs modified as wings)
depóniagáz landfill gas
dereguláció deregulation (The removal or relaxation of government control over the economic activities of some commercial entity, industry or economic sector)
derítőtavas szennyvíztisztítás lagooning (The process in which sunlight, bacterial action and oxygen cause self-purification in waste water, Usually taking place in a shallow pond, or system of such ponds)
desztilláció distillation (The process of producing a gas or vapour from a liquid by heating the liquid in a vessel and collecting and condensing the vapours into liquids)
detektor detector (A mechanical, electrical, or chemical device that automatically identifies and records or registers a stimulus, such as an environmental change in pressure or temperature, an electrical signal, or radiation from a radioactive material)
detergens detergent (A surface-active agent used for removing dirt and grease from a variety of surfaces and materials. Early detergents contained alkyl sulphonates, which proved resistant to bacterial decomposition, causing foaming in rivers and difficulties in sewage treatment plants. These hard detergents were replaced during the 1960s with soft biodegradable detergents. Apprehension continues to be expressed about the use of phosphates in detergents, helping to promote the process of eutrophication. No satisfactory substitute has yet emerged)
devizapolitika exchange policy (Course of action or procedure by government, business, or an individual concerning trade activities)
dialízis dialysis (A process of selective diffusion through a membrane; usually used to separate low-molecular-weight solutes which diffuse through the membrane from the colloidal and high-molecular-weight solutes which do not)
diatoma/kovamoszat diatom (Unicellular algae, some of which are colonial, green or brownish in colour (but all contain chlorophyll) and with siliceous and often highly sculptured cell walls. Diatoms make up much of the producer level in marine and freshwater food chains, and they have contributed to the formation of oil reserves. Deposits of diatomaceous earths were formed by the accumulation of diatom cell walls)
didaktika didactics
differenciálódás differentiation (The development of cells so that they are capable of performing specialized functions in the organs and tissues of the organisms to which they belong)
differenciált adóztatás tax differentiation
diffúz forrás diffuse source (Pollution which arises from various activities with no discrete source)
diffúz kibocsátás diffuse emissions
diffúz szennyezés diffuse pollution (Pollution from widespread activities with no one discrete source, e.g. acid rain, pesticides, urban run-off etc.)
digesztor digester (Machine which takes refuse and produces gas such as methane from it)