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Terms for subject Environment (6187 entries)
ciklon cyclone
címkézés labelling (Attaching a notice to a product or container bearing information concerning its contents, proper use, manufacturer and any cautions or hazards of use)
címkézési kötelezettség obligation to label (The legal responsibility or duty compelling manufacturers to affix certain marks or other written identification to their products, as is directed by laws, regulations or government standards)
cink zinc
CIP-tisztítás clean-in-place
CIP-tisztítás cleaning-in-place
cirkuszvölgy geographic cirque (A deep steep-walled half-bowl-like recess or hollow, variously described as horseshoe- or crescent-shaped or semi-circular in plan, situated high on the side of a mountain and commonly at the head of a glacial valley and produced by the erosive activity of a mountain glacier. It often contains a small round lake, and it may or may not be occupied by ice or snow)
citrát citrate
CO2-intenzitás carbon dioxide intensity
CO2-intenzitás C0sub2sub intensity
CO2-intenzitás carbon intensity
Copernicus Copernicus
Copernicus European Earth monitoring programme
Copernicus European Earth Observation Programme
Copernicus Global Monitoring for Environment and Security
Copernicus Union Earth observation and monitoring programme
Copernicus program Copernicus
Copernicus program European Earth monitoring programme
Copernicus program European Earth Observation Programme
Copernicus program Global Monitoring for Environment and Security