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Terms for subject Environment (6187 entries)
bányászat szabályozás mining regulation (A rule or order prescribed by government or management to promote the safety, legality or ecological responsibility of any aspect of the process or industry of ore extraction)
bányászati hulladék mining waste (Any residue which results from the extraction of raw materials from the earth)
bányászati körzet mining district (A district where mineral exploitation is performed)
bányászati termék mining product (No definition needed)
bányaterület helyreállítása mining site restoration (Mining is an intensive type of land use with potential for environmental impact over a limited area. When closure occurs, it should address both environmental and safety aspects. Mine reclamation is an ongoing program designed to restore to an acceptable state the physical, chemical and biological quality or potential of air, land and water regimes disturbed by mining. The objective of mine reclamation is to prevent or minimize adverse long-term environmental impacts, and create a self-sustaining ecosystem as near as practicable to what existed before the mining activity)
bányatörvény mining law (A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate the potentially harmful activity of enterprises concerned with the extraction and processing of precious or valuable metals)
barcelonai egyezmény Barcelona Convention
barcelonai egyezmény Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean
barcelonai egyezmény Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution
bárium barium (A soft silvery-white metallic element of the alkaline earth group. It is used in bearing alloys and compounds are used as pigments)
bárium-klorid barium chloride
barlang cave (1. An underground hollow with access from the ground surface or from the sea, often found in limestone areas and on rocky coastlines. 2. A natural cavity, chamber or recess which leads beneath the surface of the earth, generally in a horizontal or obliquely inclined direction. It may be in the form of a passage or a gallery, its shape depending in part on the joint pattern or structure of the rock and partly on the type of process involved in its excavation. Thus, caves worn by subterranean rivers may be different in character from, and of considerably greater extent than, a sea-cave eroded by marine waves. 3. A natural underground open space, generally with a connection to the surface and large enough for a person to enter. The most common type of cave is formed in a limestone by dissolution)
baromfi poultry (Domesticated fowl grown for their meat and eggs)
baromfitenyésztés poultry farming (One of the commonest of agricultural occupations. Many urban households and many farms maintain some chickens for both meat and eggs)
bazidiumos gombák basidiomycete
bázis monitoring baseline monitoring (Monitoring of long-term changes in atmospheric compositions of particular significance to the weather and the climate)
be nem épített terület non-built-up area (Areas which are not intensely developed for housing, commerce, industry, etc.)
bécsi egyezmény a sztratoszferikus ózonréteg védelméről Global Framework Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer
bécsi egyezmény a sztratoszferikus ózonréteg védelméről Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer
becsült ökoszisztéma összetevő valued ecosystem component (An appraised, evaluated or estimated element or ingredient of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings)