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Terms for subject English (403 entries)
safrol Safrol
sanatoriums Dienstleistungen von Sanatorien
sanction restriktive Maßnahme
sandwiches Brote [belegt]
sandwiches Sandwiches
saris Saris
scalpels Skalpelle
secret geheim
Sejm Sejm
sextants Sextanten
Shared Awareness and Deconfliction Gemeinsames Lageverständnis und Abstimmung
Shared Awareness and Deconfliction SHADE
Shared Awareness and Deconfliction SHADE-Mechanismus
silo Bunker
Sirene picture transfer Sirene-Bild-Transfer
skis Skier
Small Arms Survey Small Arms Survey
sofas Sofas
sonar Sonar
sonars Sonare