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Terms for subject General (169621 entries)
‘l'Énéide’ ‘The Aeneid’
‘l'Étranger’ ‘The Stranger’
‘l'Iliade’ ‘The Iliad’
‘l'Odyssée’ ‘The Odyssey’
‘l'Oiseau de feu’ ‘The Firebird’
‘l'Or du Rhin’ ‘The Rhine Gold’
‘la Belle au bois dormant’ ‘Sleeping Beauty’
‘la Belle et la Bête’ ‘Beauty and the Beast’
‘la Cantatrice chauve’ ‘The Bald Primadonna’
‘la Case de l'oncle Tom’ ‘Uncle Tom's Cabin’
‘la Chartreuse de Parme’ ‘The Charterhouse of Parma’
‘la Comédie humaine’ ‘The Human Comedy’
‘la Dame aux camélias’ ‘The Lady of the Camellias’
‘la Divine Comédie’ ‘The Divine Comedy’
‘la Flûte enchantée’ ‘The Magic Flute’
‘la force tranquille’ slogan used by François Mitterrand in his successful election campaign of 1981
‘la Joconde’ de Vinci ‘The Mona Lisa’
‘la maison n'accepte pas les chèques’ ‘no cheques (accepted)
‘la maison ne fait pas crédit’ ‘no credit given’
‘la Mégère apprivoisée’ ‘The Taming of the Shrew’