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Terms for subject General (169621 entries)
station régionale regional station
station retenue retained station
station subordonnée outstation
station terrestre tactique conjointe Joint Tactical Ground Station
station thermale spa
station totale total station
station urbaine de fond urban background station
station verte rural tourist centre
station verticale upright position
stationnement bilatéral parking on both sides of the road
stationnement en double file double-parking
stationnement horodaté pay and display parking zone
stationnement interdit nuit et jour no parking day or night
stationnement les jours pairs seulement parking on even dates only
stationnement payant parking fee payable
stationnement unilatéral parking on one side
stationner co-locate
stationner en double file double-park
stationnette buoy transmit terminal
stationnomètre park meter