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Terms for subject General (175558 entries)
son point faible, c'est sa susceptibilité his touchiness is his weak spot
son point faible, c'est sa susceptibilité his touchiness is his weak point
son portrait trônait dans le salon his portrait was displayed in a prominent position in the drawing room
son premier roman, et même les suivants his first novel and even the following ones
son premier roman, et même les suivants his first novel and even the ones that followed
son principal prédateur, à savoir le renard its most important predator, namely the fox
son prochain fellow man
son profil de carrière her career profile
son projet a de fortes chances d'être adopté his plan stands a good chance of being adopted
son projet a de grandes chances d'être adopté his plan stands a good chance of being adopted
son projet n'a pas été entrepris à l'aveuglette he did his homework before undertaking his project
son projet ne vaut rien her project is worthless
son propre hélicoptère his own helicopter
son propre hélicoptère a helicopter of his own
son propre hélicoptère his private helicopter
son psychisme est perturbé the balance of her mind is disturbed
son raisonnement est assez convaincant her arguments are quite convincing
son raisonnement n'est pas d'une grande clarté his reasoning is not particularly clear
son rapport a ceci d'étonnant que... her report is surprising in that...
son rapport avec sa fille n'a jamais été très sain her relationship with her daughter was never very healthy