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Terms for subject Law (56626 entries)
Services Internet décentralisés sur les brevets Distributed Internet Patent Services
services municipaux municipal services
services rendus services rendered
services répressifs law enforcement authorities
services sociaux et de santé social welfare and medical services
services techniques de production Technical Production Services
services traitants departments dealing with the documents
services traitants departments handling the case
servitude servitude
servitude use right
servitude encumbrance
servitude à caractère privé private easement
servitude à caractère privé ou public private or public easement
servitude à caractère public public easement
servitude à durée déterminée easement for years
servitude abreuvage freedom of watering place
servitude accessoire secondary easement
servitude accessoire ancillary easement
servitude acquise par prescription easement by prescription
servitude acquise par prescription prescriptive easement