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Terms for subject General (175558 entries)
scrutin de ballotage second ballot
scrutin de ballottage run-off election
scrutin de ballottage runoff election
scrutin de liste list election
scrutin de liste party list system
scrutin de liste vote by list
scrutin de liste voting for a list
scrutin de liste voting for a ticket
scrutin de liste à la proportionnelle list-based proportional voting
scrutin de liste plurinominal voting for list of candidates
scrutin de listes selon un système proportionnel list-based proportional voting
scrutin découvert open vote
scrutin direct direct election
scrutin direct, secret et universel direct, secret and universal ballot
scrutin limité restricted ballot
scrutin majoritaire election on a majority basis
scrutin majoritaire à deux tours two-ballot majority poll
scrutin majoritaire uninominal uninominal majority poll
scrutin majoritaire uninominal uninominal majority system
scrutin par correspondance postal ballot