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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
salle de pompes à vis à l'arrivée inlet screw pump chamber
salmonelle salmonellas
salmonelle salmonella (General name for a family of microorganisms, one of the largest groups of bacteria, that includes those most frequently implicated in food poisoning and gastroenteritis. Unhygienic handling and inadequate cooking of poultry and meat, improper storage of cold meats and, more recently, contamination of battery-reared hen eggs, are the most common sources of salmonella infections)
salubrité urbaine urban sanitation
salure du Rhin salinification of the Rhine
salure du sol salinization
salure du sol salting of soil
samaruc Valencia toothcarp
samiri à dos roux Central American squirrel monkey
samiri à dos roux red-backed squirrel monkey
sanction administrative administrative sanction (Generally, any formal official imposition of penalty or fine; destruction, taking, seizure, or withholding of property; assessment of damages, reimbursement, restitution, compensation, costs, charges or fees; requirement, revocation or suspension of license; and taking other compulsory or restrictive action by organization, agency or its representative)
sanction pénale penal sanction (Punishment for the commission of a specific crime, such as fines, restitution, probation and imprisonment)
sanction pénale penal sanction
sanctions pour atteinte à l'environnement penalty for environmental damage
sanctuaire faunique wildlife sanctuary
sanctuaire faunique wildlife sanctuary (1. An area, usually in natural condition, which is reserved (set aside) by a governmental or private agency for the protection of particular species of animals during part or all of the year. 2. An area designated for the protection of wild animals, within which hunting and fishing is either prohibited or strictly controlled)
sanctuaire ichtyologique fish refuge
sang blood (tissue, A fluid connective tissue consisting of the plasma and cells that circulate in the blood vessels)
sang blood tissue
sangsue officinale medicinal leech