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Terms for subject Environment (33978 entries)
roussette fruit bat
roussette de l'île Palau Mortlock fruit bat
roussette de Pemba Pemba flying-fox
roussette des îles Palau Palau flying fox
roussette des îles Truk Truk fruit-bat
roussettes flying-foxes
roussir scorch
route highway (A public road especially an important road that joins cities or towns together)
route road (A long piece of hard ground that people can drive along from one place to another)
route à grande circulation trunk road (A main road, especially one that is suitable for heavy vehicles)
route à grande circulation trunk road
route d'accès access road (Any street or narrow stretch of paved surface that leads to a specific destination, such as a main highway)
route enterrée below-surface road
route fédérale federal highway
route transversale directe cross-throughway
ruclon compost
rue "canyon" "canyon" street
rue "canyon" street canyon
ruisseau brook (A small stream or rivulet, commonly swiftly flowing in rugged terrain, of lesser length and volume than a creek; especially a stream that issues directly from the ground, as from a spring or seep, or that is produced by heavy rainfall or melting snow)
ruissellement runoff