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Terms for subject Law (56626 entries)
relation associate
relation contractuelle avec l'assuré contractual relationship with the policyholder
relation de subordination juridique d'un salarié à un employeur legal relationship of subordination of an employee to an employer
relation entreprise mère-entreprise filiale parent-subsidiary relationship
relation précontractuelle pre-contractual relationship
relations avec d'autres conventions relations with other conventions
relations conventionnelles contractual relations
relations conventionnelles treaty relations
relations de pêche fisheries relations
relations extérieures external relations
relations gouvernementales Public Affairs Coordinator
relations publiques ou privées public or private relations
relaxe acquittal
relaxe discharge
relaxer l'accusé de toute poursuite discharge the accused on every count
relégation transportation for life
relégation banishment
relevant de connected with
relevant de pertaining to
relevé d'arpentage record of survey