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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
point de rosée acide acid dewpoint
point de vue du flux flow concept
point de vue du stock stock concept
point fixe au sol ground run-up
point gamma first point of Aries
point gamma vernal point
point NNI Noise and Number Index
point noir de pollution hot spot of pollution
point vernal vernal point
point vert Green Dot
point-source point source
pointe de bruit noise peak
pointe de pollution pollution peak
points cardinaux cardinal directions
points centraux de collecte central collecting points
poison poison (A substance which, when ingested, inhaled, or absorbed, or when applied to, injected into, or developed within the body, in relatively small amounts, may cause injury, harm, or destruction to organs, tissue, or life)
poison à effet cumulatif poison with cumulative effects
poisson fishes
poisson cavernicole d'Afrique African blind barb fish
poisson migrateur migratory fish (Fishes that migrate in a body, often between breeding places and winter feeding grounds)