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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
paramétrage parameterization
paramètre parameter (1. A quantity in an equation which must be specified beside the independent variables to obtain the solution for the dependent variables. 2. A quantity which is constant under a given set of conditions, but may be different under other conditions)
paramètre de mesure d'une émission de particules measured particulate emission parameter
paramètre écologique ecological parameter (A variable, measurable property whose value is a determinant of the characteristics of an ecosystem)
paramètre écologique ecological parameter
paramètre météorologique meteorological parameter (Variables, such as pressure, temperature, wind strength, humidity, etc. from which conclusions as to the forthcoming weather are drawn)
paramètre total total parameter
paramètre total total parameter (The sum of parameters that must be taken into account when assessing water quality - organoleptic factors, physico-chemical factors, toxic substances, microbiological parameters)
paramètre-type type parameter
paramètres d'exploitatio operating parameter
paramètres du climat climate parameters
paramètres météorologiques meteorological parameters
parasite parasite (Organism which lives and obtains food at the expense of another organism, the host)
parasites agricoles agricultural pest
parasites agricoles agricultural pest (Insects and mites that damage crops, weeds that compete with field crops for nutrients and water, plants that choke irrigation channels or drainage systems, rodents that eat young plants and grain, and birds that eat seedlings or stored foodstuffs)
parasites des forêts forest pest
parasitologie parasitology (A branch of biology which deals with those organisms, plant or animal, which have become dependent on other living creatures)
paravalanche avalanche barrier
parc à conteneurs waste reception centre
parc à ferraille metal scrap yard