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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
onde de pression sound pressure wave
onde de tempête storm surge
onde ionosphérique sky wave
onde orographique mountain wave
onde réfléchie sky wave
onde sonore réfléchie reflected sound wave
onde T T-wave
ondes d'hyperfréquences microwave
ondes élastiques Body waves
ondes longitudinales et transversales Body waves
ondulé brun brown corrugated
ondulé kraft I corrugated kraft I
ondulé kraft II corrugated kraft II
ondulés récupérés corrugated container waste
ongulé ungulate (Hoofed mammals, including the Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla)
ongulé ungulates
ontogenèse ontogenesis (The entire sequence of events involved in the development of an individual organism)
onychogale bridé bridled nail-tailed wallaby
onychogale bridé bridled wallaby
onychogale bridé merrin