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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
micro-échelle de Ringelmann Ringelmann microscale
micro-ordinateur microcomputer (A microprocessor combined with input/output interface devices, some type of external memory, and the other elements required to form a working computer system; it is smaller, lower in cost, and usually slower than a minicomputer)
micro-organisme micro-organism (A microscopic organism, including bacteria, protozoans, yeast, viruses, and algae)
micro-organisme aquatique aquatic micro-organism (Microorganisms having a water habitat)
micro-organisme aquatique aquatic micro-organism
micro-organisme extrémophile extremophile micro-organism
micro-polluant organique organic micropollutant
micro-urbain micro-urban
microbiologie microbiology (The science and study of microorganisms, including protozoans, algae, fungi, bacteria, viruses, and rickettsiae)
microcèbe grey mouse lemur
microcentrale small power station (Power station of small size for the generation of energy at local level)
microcentrale small power station
microclimat microclimate (The local, rather uniform climate of a specific place or habitat, compared with the climate of the entire area of which it is a part)
microclimatologie microclimatology (The study of a microclimate, including the study of profiles of temperature, moisture and wind in the lowest stratum of air, the effects of the vegetation and of shelterbelts, and the modifying effects of towns and buildings)
microconsomateur decomposer
microconsomateur microconsumer
microconsomateur reducer
microconsommateur decomposer
microconsommateur microconsumer
microconsommateurs decomposers