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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
matière première cellulosique cellulosic biomass
matière première cellulosique ligno-cellulosic biomass
matière première de récupération secondary raw material
matière première plastique plastic input
matière première renouvelable renewable raw material
matière première renouvelable renewable raw material (Resources that have a natural rate of availability and yield a continual flow of services which may be consumed in any time period without endangering future consumption possibilities as long as current use does not exceed net renewal during the period under consideration)
matière première végétale industrial plant (Plants employed in industry, e.g. cotton, flax, hemp, peanuts, etc.; organism)
matière putrescente putrescent material
matière putrescible putrescible matter
matière radioactive naturelle renforcée par des processus techniques technically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material
matière recyclée recycled material
matière recyclée recycled material (Waste materials that are transformed into new products in such a manner that the original products may lose their identity)
matière sédimentable settleable solid
matière solide solid matter
matière solide solid matter (A crystalline material, that is, one in which the constituent atoms are arranged in a three-dimensional lattice, periodic in three independent directions)
matière synthétique synthetic material (Material made artificially by chemical reaction)
matières brutes énergétiques energy source material
matières brutes énergétiques energy source material (Sources from which energy can be obtained to provide heat, light, and power. Energy resources, including fossil and nuclear fuels as well as solar, water, tidal and geothermal energy, may be captured or recovered and converted into other energy forms for a variety of household, commercial, transportation, and industrial applications)
matières dangereuses dangerous goods (Goods or products that are full of hazards or risks when used, transported, etc.)
matières dangereuses dangerous goods