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Terms for subject General (175558 entries)
mairie de quartier local town hall
mairie du village village hall
mairie du village town hall
mais à la fin, où est-il? where on earth is it?
mais à titre de réciprocité, laissez-moi vous inviter à déjeuner but allow me to repay you by inviting you to lunch
mais alors, ça change tout! but that changes everything!
mais alors, vous ne partez plus? so you're not going any more?
mais bon sang de bonsoir, où est-il passé? damn, where has he gone now?
mais c'est bien normal, voyons it's only natural, don't worry about it
mais c'est exactement le contraire! but it's exactly the opposite!
mais c'est exactement le contraire! but it's precisely the opposite!
mais c'est pas un peu fini ce vacarme? have you quite finished making all that racket?
mais c'est Paul! hey, it's Paul!
mais c'est une parenthèse but that's a digression
mais c'est une parenthèse but that's an aside
mais ça change tout! ah, that makes a big difference!
mais ça n'a aucun rapport! but that's got nothing to do with it!
mais ça suffit maintenant! that's enough now!
mais ce serait de la délation! but that would be tantamount to denunciation!
mais comment a-t-il fait son compte? but how did he make such a mess of it?