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Terms for subject Environment (33978 entries)
maille grid box
maille grid square
maille de grille grid box
maille de grille grid cell
maille de grille grid square
main-d'oeuvre labour force
main-d'oeuvre manpower (1. The power generated by a man working. 2. The number of people available for work, service, etc.)
mainate de Bali Bali mynah
mainate de Bali Bali starling
mainate de Bali Rothschild's mynah
mainate de Bali Rothschild's starling
mainate de Bali white starling
mainate de Rothschild Bali mynah
mainate de Rothschild Rothschild's starling
mainate de Rothschild white starling
maintenance maintenance (technical, The upkeep of industrial facilities and equipment)
maintenance maintenance of environment
maintenance de l'environnement maintenance of environment (No definition needed)
maintien de l'espace rural conservation of the countryside
maintien de la paix peacekeeping (The activities to prevent, contain, moderate and/or terminate the hostilities between or within States, through the medium of an impartial third party intervention, organised and directed internationally. This intervention is conducted using military forces, police and civilians with the consent of the main belligerents, to complement the diplomatic conflict resolution process and, to restore and maintain peace)