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Terms for subject Environment (33978 entries)
menace environnementale environmental threat
menace pesant sur l'environnement threat to the environment
menace, risque pour l'environnement environmental risk
ménage household (A group of persons sharing a home or living space, who aggregate and share their incomes, as evidenced by the fact that they regularly take meals together)
ménage particulier private household (Living quarters where a group of persons (family) live together)
ménage particulier private household
ménageant l'environnement environment-friendly
ménageant l'environnement environmentally friendly
ménages particuliers private household
méné à grande bouche bigmouth shiner
méné à grandes écailles silver chub
méné camus pugnose shiner
méné d'argent de l'Ouest Western silvery minnow
méné d'herbe bridle shiner
méné long redside dace
méné miroir silver shiner
menu bois small timber
menu bois thinnings
mépiquat mepiquat
mer sea (1. In general, the marine section of the globe as opposed to that of the land. 2. The name given to a body of salt water smaller than an ocean and generally in proximity to a continent)